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passion pre-webinar

Igniting Your CEOs passion for Employer Branding

Discover how to translate vision and values into language that resonates with leaders and candidates alike, increasing engagement and showcasing the importance of employer branding. This innovative strategy not only elevates your brand but could also advance your career.

We ask and answer the hard questions around business case, attention, influence and remaining high-priority on your CEO's agenda.

Key Takeaways

  1. CEOs look forward, not in their rearview mirror. Focus more on how you will help the future growth of the organisation.
  2. CEOs need straight shooters. Be gutsy enough to tell them, “If you don’t make these decisions, here is how the company will suffer.”
  3. Get crystal clear with leadership’s major concerns. Link all your activities to what they care about most.
  4. Show the commerciality in your approach, and you will be listened to.
  5. Identify key influences in the business because it's not just the CEO's opinion that counts. The lunatics run the asylum.


Bryan Adams-2

Bryan Adams
Founder and CEO

Graeme Johnson-1

Graeme Johnson
Group Director, Talent, Leadership & Learning
Merlin Entertainment

Adrian Koehler

Adrian Koehler
Founder & Managing Partner
Take New Ground

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