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The power of communities zoom header

Discover why building a community of passionate advocates is the game-changer your employer brand needs

Learn how to cultivate both internal and external communities that not only enhance your employer brand but also drive talent attraction. We’ll explore the 'Inside-Out' approach, dissect passive vs. active advocacy, and share actionable strategies to turn your employees, customers and partners into your brand champions.

Key Takeaways

  1. Start by understanding the why behind an advocacy programme from different stakeholder perspectives.
  2. Create psychological safety for employees to share authentically.
  3. Tune advocacy programmes and content to different employee personas.
  4. Measure impact over time.
  5. Leverage other departments like marketing and communications for content support.
  6. Recognise and reward advocates to sustain engagement in the programme.


Dave Hazlehurst
Hassan Al Hindwan

Hassan Al Hindwan
Global Employer Branding Marketing Lead

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