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Intentional Inclusion: How to Create an Authentic DEI Brand

Intentional Inclusion: How to Create an Authentic DEI Brand

In this webinar Julie and Tristan unravel the concept of having diversity and inclusion efforts "baked in" to your Employer Brand strategy and EVP. We question the efficacy of this default phrase and explore why it might not be enough. As thought leaders, Ph. Creative is committed to fostering authentic DEI brands. Discover practical advice and best practices as we share insights on creating intentional and inclusive narratives for diverse audiences.

Key Takeaways

  1. Why is DEI important? It means you are a more robust business, you get better ideas, and it affects the bottom line, it makes you a more successful business.
  2. If you haven't got employee resource groups, think about creating them.
  3. Look for something which the business is already doing and see how you can embed DEI within it. Look for opportunities in everything you're doing in your daily work life, to make sure that there are good DEI practices within the organisation
  4. Authenticity is crucial, because you can see when it's not there. And that undermines your entire strategy internally and externally.


Julie Randall

Julie Randall
Head Of Strategy

Tristan Davies

Tristan Davies
Associate Business Manager
Capital Group

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